In India nearly 13 lac people die because of tobacco related disease. Uttarakhand state has high prevalence of tobacco consumption at 26.5 %. There have been many initiatives for tobacco control in the state but the challenges are more severe as the state faces a high number of migrants’ population, religious pilgrims and other national & international tourist throughout the year (approximately 30 million).

We collectively must prevent the spread of tobacco from the reach of our next generation. Tobacco Control Measures is the key to vanish this menace completely from our society. The role of coalition is to advocate for effective tobacco control program in the state, advocate for Tobacco free Uttarakhand at policy level, to provide strategic suggestions, ideas, thoughts to District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC), State Tobacco Control Cell (STCC) on Tobacco Control. And also developing counter strategies against Tobacco Industries interferences.

Till date seven quarterly review meetings has been conducted already and in which various initiatives to be taken regarding Tobacco Free Uttarakhand has been discussed and improved. Various health officials, Education, Police, NGOs, ex-service persons and various other officials are the part and the members of this coalition.