Conflict of Interest Declaration
Tobacco is the gateway to the world of addiction. Each year millions of children in India begin experimenting with tobacco use and become lifelong addicts. Global evidence suggests that tobacco use is leading cause of premature mortality. It prevents individuals, families, communities and nations from achieving the potential and achieving development goals. Tobacco industry is among the most corrupt and venal in its practices. The WHO and many leading public health organisations have warned that the tobacco industry would mislead Governments and Communities to achieve it profits, by advancing its addictive products.
To this end, Balajee Sewa Sansthan (BSS) believes in promoting healthy lifestyle for all. To achieve these goals in our lifetime would require us to stay away from tobacco, alcohol and drugs in any form.
BSS does not partner with any one directly or indirectly related or engaged with the tobacco industry. We do not partner, invest in or get invest by organisations with interests in tobacco industry, or those who further the agenda of tobacco companies. We neither accept any direct or indirect funding from the tobacco industry.
We also declare that our organization does not support any activities which involve child labour, pornography, illicit trade of any kind, harm to environment, gender, racial or any form of discrimination, or any activities which hurt or stress any human or animal physically or mentally.